
The 3rd CIPTEC project meeting was organised by project partner European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) in May 2016. Under the coordination of EMTA and the hosting metropolitan Public Transport Authority of Hungary’s capital, Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK), CIPTEC partners and EMTA’s delegates combined their meetings at the impressive New City Hall of Budapest on the 11th – 13th of May. The CIPTEC project meeting and validation workshops, enhanced by the presence of EMTA’s delegates, created a unique opportunity for the project and its participants to engage in fruitful and constructive discussions. CIPTEC project hsa validated the first available results on the survey of PT demand and offer and on the most promising selected innovations

Memex, as CIPTEC WP5 leader, has presented the specifications of on-line ToolBox for innovation targeted to disseminate project results to PT stakeholders.

The project’s workshops, with the participation of around 35 external participants and experts, were attended by almost 120 member-organisations of the EMTA Assembly, which is composed of local networks’ CEOs and strategic managers.